
Safety Overview Of 1,3 propanediol

1,3 propanediol are widely applied as a building block industrially for the manufacturing of polymer and other related compounds.

It is also an essential raw material for producing fragrance, adhesive, paints, body care related products such as perfume.

The toxicology profile of the colorless and non-flammable substance is negligible. That is why its application cut across the food to pharmaceutical industries.

However, when sourcing 1,3 propanediolfor your body care related products such as hair cream and shampoo, it is essential to purchasing it from reliable manufacturers.

This handy information guide considers the safety overview of 1,3 propanediol.

1,3 propanediol Mode of Exposure

1.Workplace exposure

Although 1,3 propanediol is carefully handled during its application process to reduce possible exposure to workers and the environment, workers are advised to adhere to the safety measures provided.

Additionally, workers in such industries where high concentration 1,3 propanediol is used are expected to be trained on standard chemical handling and labeling.

However, this colorless substance's industrial application is certified to be safe as long as the safety measures are followed.

1,3 propanediol

2.Client Exposure

The non-flammable substance is of no immediate concern to humans since it does not consume raw. Still, it is indirectly exposed through the environment.

1,3 propanediol formulated goods such as adhesive, lubricant, waxes, sealants, etc., purchased by consumers, contain a minute amount that is not harmful.

3.Environmental exposure

The technological innovation in the industrial sector and worker training minimizes environmental exposure of non-explosive substance, 1,3 propanediol.

However, 1,3 propanediolshould be appropriately handled during the treatment, storage, transportation, and disposal processes. Because if it is not handled correctly, it will result in endangering the environment.

Health Information about 1,3 propanediol

1.Oral management

Study shows that 1,3 propanediol oral toxicity is extremely low. It is certified that only a large amount is needed to create traceable health properties in humans.

However, it is a known fact that ethanol is three times more toxic than 1,3 propanediol.


There is no cancerogenic indication of 1,3 propanediol. However, formalin is a chemical suspected to degrade 1,3 propanediol.

No study shows that if this compound's presence is harmful when it is in the air.

3.Allergic response

Prevalence of 1,3 propanediol is estimated to be allergic from 0.8% in aqueous solution to 3.5%.

A health professionals report shows that the most affected part of the body if 1,3 propanediol touches is the face and eyes.


1.3 propanediol has been certified as a food additive for the dog. However, it is not approved to be used in cat food due to their body structure. Also, it affects the red blood cell of a cat, thereby reducing their lifespan.

Springchem isa well-known supplier of unadulterated 1,3 propanediolfor various industrial applications, such as food additives, cosmetics, adhesives, etc.Contact usfor your 1, 3 propanediol needs for your healthcare-related products, and you will not regret partnering with us.

Post time: Jun-10-2021